Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Welcome to my blog

Hi everyone! This is my first blog experience and I found it pretty easy to create. The blogspot tutorial was helpful and guided me through the steps in making this blog. The hardest part was trying to choose a creative name for the title and link to the blog. I'm not the most creative person, but I decided to make my title about the best of technology in the classroom, since I will be posting all about educational technology. I've never shared any of my ideas through a blog before. I've only read friends blogs who post about fashion, sports, or the media. I hope you find interest in the topic of educational technology and that you like what you read here on my blog.

My graduate course EECE 750: Modern Learning Technologies will teach me a lot about educational technology and integration in the classroom. I will share with you the valuable information I have learned about in class and in the various reading materials I will encounter throughout my semester. I plan to upload the projects I create, which should give you a better idea of ways to engage students with the use of technology in school. I am excited to share my knowledge and ideas with you all.

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